A delegation of the Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), led by former Minister Shri Raman Bhalla, met Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha today. The delegation included senior Congress leaders Shri Yogesh Sawhney, Shri Ved Mahajan, Shri Ravinder Sharma, and Shri Rakesh Wazir.
The leaders engaged in a detailed discussion with the Lieutenant Governor, presenting several critical issues of public importance. The concerns raised spanned across various sectors, reflecting the priorities and expectations of the people of the region.
Shri Raman Bhalla commended the Lieutenant Governor for his ongoing efforts in advancing development initiatives in Jammu and Kashmir. However, he emphasized the importance of addressing unresolved challenges and urged for collaborative action to enhance the well-being of the public.
Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha appreciated the delegation’s proactive approach and assured them of his administration’s commitment to resolving the highlighted issues. He reiterated the importance of constructive dialogue between political representatives and the administration to ensure holistic development.
The meeting underlined the significance of cooperative efforts in addressing the needs of the people and fostering progress across Jammu and Kashmir.